



Transporté par l'expérience d'une tempête durant laquelle la foudre tomba tout près de lui, Luther est incité à abandonner ses études de droit pour rejoindre un monastère Augustin. La vie au monastère est tout sauf sèche et poussiéreuse pour Luther qui, conduit par sa foi et une étude étroite de la Bible, commence à mettre en cause la pratique religieuse établie. Les tensions s'accélèrent lorsque Luther livre ses 95 thèses sur les portes de l'église Wittenberg, change d'une manière fulgurante et provocante les reliques et les certificats de l'indulgence dont beaucoup de notables d'Eglise avaient profité...


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    1:48 when she say she home alone"




    If someone 25 years ago told me that no one would be able to make a decent movie, I'd have laughed in their face. And yet.... we have this movie. I love , but maybe I'm too much of a traditionalist, because there is not a single thing in this that I have any interest in seeing"




    is the new Spiderman"




    Nice trailer....eagerly waiting for this movie"




    History and origin of ;\nIt all starts with Haze Mancer; An arms-dealer specializing in raiding Klyntar( home planet of symbiotes in andromeda galaxy ) and capturing symbiotes,killing any members of the Agents of the Cosmos who found out about his activities.Haze Mancer weaponizes the symbiotes he captures using a chemical to amplify their aggression and bloodlust while speeding up the bonding process. He classifies these corrupted symbiotes into categories such as war-brutes, slashers, and slinkers; ( these are shown in this trailer )then sells them to buyers such as space-pirates, mercenaries, and other criminal and military belligerents. One of the symbiotes he captured and weaponized would go on to become known as the  symbiote, but it somehow managed to escape ( may be some them escaped and some how crash landed on earth )\n\ncharacteristics of these symbiotes;\nThey have the reputation of being predatory monsters that dominate their host mentally and physically while parasitically feeding off their emotions and bodies. The corrupted symbiotes tended to force their hosts to perform spectacular and terrifying feats in order to feed off of their adrenaline and other hormones, such as phenethylamine. Eventually, the hosts would be sucked dry of vital fluids,collapse from exhaustion due to the constant stress and exertion, or simply die in a failed stunt;whereupon the symbiote would seek out a new host to repeat the process. it has been noted on several occasions that certain long-lived specimens have become more powerful over time, usually by bonding to multiple successive hosts and can develop increased resistance to heat and sonics with repeated exposure. In some cases, they can undergo spontaneous mutation and develop new abilities, such as the Carnage and Maniacsymbiotes developing the ability to infect others with pieces of their biomass.The and Carnage symbiotes are able to feed off negative emotions, the latter being able to convert negative emotions into biomass.Successive generations of symbiotes will also be more powerful than their predecessors, and feral symbiotes are instinctually indifferent or hostile towards their progenitors and progeny.\n\nMany corrupt symbiotes, such as , Carnage, Toxin, and Zzxz, possess ravenous predatory appetites for the flesh of other life-forms and will influence or force their hosts to commit cannibalism to satiate this.It is for this reason that feral symbiotes consider themselves to be the ultimate predators of the universe,and are regarded with revulsion and terror by most other species."

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