Riddle of Fire




Il était une fois un trio d’enfants cherchant à craquer le code parental de leur nouvelle console et aussi la parfaite recette de la blueberry pie, une secte de braconniers qui ne cessent de se chicaner, une petite fille qui a des dons elfiques… Un premier long métrage dont le budget est aussi lilliputien que sont géantes sa sophistication formelle et sa liberté épique. Comme si, dans une forêt enchantée du Wyoming, Tom Sawyer, le Club des cinq et les Goonies s’étaient donné rendez-vous pour faire un jeu de plateau autour d’un feu de camp.

Riddle of Fire

Album comments




    His eyes like my sperm"




    Ok since many people are confused with this trailer. The other symbiote seen battling is the symbiote riot which is one of the five life foundation symbiotes, it is not anti or carnage HOWEVER carnage will be making an appearance in the film he could be the main villain or just an after credits scene no one knows. Riot could be the main villain because of this trailer showing mostly him as the only other symbiote however this is just a trailer and if they showed anymore symbiotes or stuff then that would just be showing too much of the movie. As you can see in the other container with the yellow symbiote that is scream a female symbiote. Also this movie is on a low budget so people complaining about the CGI blame Sony. Whenever says something it is very hard to hear what he is saying however I have managed to translate everything he has said so if anyone has any problems with his voice and needs a certain part translated just tell me the time mark in the video and I can translate. At the end of the video he says: we will eat both your arms then both of your legs then we will eat your face right off your head, you will be this armless legless faceless thing won't you, rolling down the street. Like a turd, in the wind. It frustrates me how many people think he said bird even thought that would make no sense so there you go. Anymore questions don't be afraid to ask as I have analysed everything in the video"




    Wooooo im actually excited now"




    Spoilers! Why would you show the fight between and another symbiote?"




    He didn't say, \" Fang!\" Downvote."

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