La Dame de fer




Margaret Thatcher, première et unique femme Premier ministre du Royaume-Uni (de 1979 à 1990), autrefois capable de diriger le royaume d’une main de fer, vit désormais paisiblement sa retraite imposée à Londres. Agée de plus de 80 ans, elle est rattrapée par les souvenirs. De l’épicerie familiale à l’arrivée au 10 Downing Street, de succès en échecs politiques, de sacrifices consentis en trahisons subies, elle a exercé le pouvoir avec le soutien constant de son mari Denis aujourd’hui disparu, et a réussi à se faire respecter en abolissant toutes les barrières liées à son sexe et à son rang. Entre passé et présent, ce parcours intime est un nouveau combat pour cette femme aussi bien adulée que détestée.

La Dame de fer

Album comments




    If this might take place in the mcu, then will half of the people in this movie disappear"




    I believe JCP shld are operating well it's the customers fang poisions the\nthem people think they can't do anything without cell phones games not food they starve to play as achoice Amazon can't buy any more companies they lost the respect of one brother due to a glitch I hate them so bad it hurts they use whole foods to kiss up to 21 and over so they are not demonized its pathetic I hate amzn at least shld JCP frsh do well to out earn amzn in comparison shld lost less like 10 vs 60 the amzn bulls lost the plan to go to 2091 forever shld JCP frsh win go put money in them bears always lose for them no organization can stop jcp shld frsh expansion I mean it"








    The hero needs to save"




    Amzn is dieing JCP frsh shld win they have better earnings per share they say so on the news of the stock the the sears crop board of JCP board of frsh won the war vs the investors betting bear I get the say I shoped them in the past 12 years who cares if I bought a calzone as the last thing from papa Murphy's in jr high I still had it internet trolls devalue shld jcp be cause they are lazy I won't have a another company out like bont , toys are us evergain do you read this world the people wanting amzn to rule are silly impatient people who can't live well or happy don t let people push shld jcp frsh around be cause they have the gluten allergy or don't make sure to afford the products from jcp shld I am sick of it fear needs to stop it for shld JCP frsh people are not putting them out just making fluff for entertainment"

Album comments