Burying the Ex




Max décide de s’installer avec sa petite amie, Evelyn, même si celle-ci se révèle ultra possessive et manipulatrice. Il réalise rapidement qu’il doit la quitter, mais a bien trop peur d’elle pour passer à l’acte. Le destin s'en mêle le jour où Evelyn meurt dans un accident peu banal. Quelques mois plus tard, quand Max rencontre Olivia, la fille de ses rêves, il pense avoir droit à un nouveau départ. Malheureusement, tout se complique lorsque Evelyn revient d’entre les morts, plus folle de Max que jamais et toujours déterminée à vivre à ses côtés…

Burying the Ex

Album comments




    Uh, open up the potions, pop!\nIt's my mine come on, mine it up!\nHear a hiss behind the door and the night begins\nCreepers done this before, I never let 'em in\nPack up your inventory, 'n' we can go out\nBring some extra food so that you don't starve\nSometimes you forget torches\nAnd you gotta bring your pickaxe\nYeah, you know where we goin'\nSometimes you forget torches\n\n[Chorus]\nWelcome to my mine, we are mining diamonds\nWe ain't gonna strip mine\nWe don't have to fight mobs\nWelcome to my mine\nPlay that noteblock nicely\nShow me all those emeralds\nWe don't gotta dodge lava (pause)\nWelcome to my mine, welcome to my mine\n\n[Verse 2]\nWhen it comes and you know that you wanna stay\nBlock dirt, let's start mining those real things\nKeep those swords in our hands, and open up those potions\nLet's fight those mobs, come on slash away\nSometimes you forget torches\nAnd you gotta bring a pickaxe\nYeah, we know where we going\nSometimes you forget torches\n\n[Chorus]\nWelcome to my mine, we are mining diamonds\nWe don't gotta strip mine, we don't have to fight mobs\nWelcome to my mine,play that noteblock nicely\nShow me all those emeralds,we don't gotta dodge lava... (pause)\nWelcome to my mine, welcome to my...\n\n[Verse 3]\nWelcome to my strip mine, the mine, the cave, the crack\nMy mine is your mine, treating it right\nSorry if my mine don't have the gold\nAs soon as I dig down I will find more of that\nOh, my goodness, what is that?\nAzul brillante, guapo, so we're going to mine that\nI think I know what that is\nO.M.G it's diamonds!\n\n[Chorus]\nWelcome to my mine, we will mine diamonds\nWe don't gotta strip mine\nWe don't gotta fight mobs\nWelcome to my mine, play that noteblock nicely\nShow me all those emeralds\nWe don't gotta dodge lava\nWelcome to my mine, welcome to my mine, welcome to my mine\n\n[Outro]\nHah, yeah!"




    Is he gud or bad lol"








    is Bane in disguise who sounds like Batman."




    and Into the Spider verse are Sony's apology for the emoji movie that is LONG over due"

Album comments