Ma part du gâteau




France, ouvrière, vit dans le nord de la France, à Dunkerque avec ses trois filles.

Son ancienne usine a fermé et tous ses collègues se retrouvent comme elle au chômage. Elle décide de partir à Paris pour trouver un nouveau travail. Elle va trouver un stage pour devenir femme de ménage. Assez rapidement, elle se fait engager chez un homme qui vit dans un univers radicalement différent du sien. Cet homme, Steve est un trader qui a réussi, il travaille entre la City de Londres et le quartier de la Défense à Paris.

Les deux individus vont se côtoyer. Cette ouvrière va découvrir les gens qui vivent dans le luxe. Elle va finir par découvrir que cet homme, fort séduisant et sympathique, est en partie responsable de la faillite de son ancienne entreprise.

Ma part du gâteau

Album comments




    The sequel to Spider-Man 3 looks promising..."








    I knew it i knew it that wont be having the spider in its chest"




    None of these trailers have gotten me anywhere near excited for the film; the dialogue seems hammy at best, and uninspired at worst. Nobody seems that afraid of , like the one thing that ever struck something with me was that he was absolutely terrifying looking to me as a kid, yet that guy at the end just seems like he’s facing up against a really big guy, not some terrifying monster. I’m not saying anything on the CGI, I have no problem with it and it’s not finished. The villain seems so boring, I’d hoped the trend of superheroes facing mirrors of themselves was beginning to die out, or at the very least they’d make them interesting mirrors, like Killmonger in Black Panther. Tom Harry’s accent doesn’t sit right with me, from what I’ve heard of it, it sounds very unnatural and forced. But I suppose the biggest drawback for me is that I think is one of the most boring villains I’ve ever come across, I’m not much of a comic book reader, but he hasn’t given me an iota of interest to even think to look him up"




    Just ring the huge bell...."

Album comments