Qu'un seul tienne et les autres suivront




Stéphane se voit proposer un marché qui pourrait changer sa vie, Zohra cherche à comprendre la mort de son fils et Laure vit son premier amour pour un jeune révolté incarcéré. Réunis par hasard entre les murs d'un parloir de prison, ils auront chacun à prendre en main leurs destins. Qu'un seul tienne debout, et les autres suivront...

Qu'un seul tienne et les autres suivront

Album comments




    When I’m a grandfather I’ll be able to tell my grandkids that I was alive during the creation of Batman V Superman, Infinity War, Iron Man, , and so many more...imma be he coolest!"




    I will say something, at first when I discovered this was going to be an \"origin story\", but not involving Spiderman or the events leading up to how Eddie Brock and the \"black suit\" symbiote came together and devised their own nomenclature '', then just going strait to a messed up version of the Life Foundation events, I was kind of unhappy, then I saw how they had Tom Hardy playing out Eddie Brock's character and I was \"What The Heck\" and was getting rather miffed, I have read the comics (Spiderman and ) since the black suit's first appearance, but, after many times of watching all the trailers, I am actually kind of happy they decided to go this route, here is why... \n\nWithout involving Spiderman, Eddie Brock NEEDS to be different, Eddie Brock was a screwup, a scam artist, liar and cheat, a boorish jackass and he was this ugly, burly thug, was the combination of Brock's hatred of Parker for ruining his career and relationship and the symbiote's hatred for Parker's rejection, Eddie was a bad person, the symbiote was a dangerous thing, together they made a terrible device of sadistic mass destruction, everybody (comic readers) loves him, but if a movie was made that was true to his character, it would be some combination of John Carpenter's \"The Thing\" and \"Hellraiser\", not a big audience bringer, so Eddie's character had to be changed to a persona that is an opposite of what the symbiote is, he is reserved, passive and kind of physically weak, the symbiote brings out the hidden darkness and enhances his physical build, for this story line, this type of relationship is necessary for this movie to be a success, realistically, how well would a movie do if the audience hated the protagonist's (good guy) persona right from the begining (in the bad way, not love/hate type) then gets a symbiote and goes around needlessly slaughtering everyone who just farts in his direction, good and bad persons, the movie would be a dive, this movie had to be made like this, don't try to compare to Deadpool, that movie had violence, language, drugs and sex, but was not some blind gore-fest, so I'm going to see this movie as a new unknown, not related to a comic character of the same name, I think I will enjoy this presentation very much !!!"




    Oooooh my spider sense is tingling if you know what I'm talking about. Hehe."




    Pa i nije nesto"





Album comments