La Fille du RER




Jeanne vit dans un pavillon de banlieue avec sa mère Louise. Les deux femmes s'entendent bien. Louise gagne sa vie en gardant des enfants. Jeanne, sans trop de conviction, cherche un emploi.

Un jour, en lisant une annonce sur le net, Louise croit que le destin frappe à sa porte. Elle nourrit l'espoir de faire engager sa fille chez Samuel Bleistein, un avocat de renom qu'elle a connu dans sa jeunesse.

L'univers de Jeanne et celui de Bleistein sont à des années lumières de distance... Pourtant, ils vont se rencontrer à cause d'un mensonge inouï que Jeanne va échaffauder.

Le film est l'histoire de ce mensonge qui va devenir le fait divers le plus médiatisé et le plus politisé de ces dernières années.

La Fille du RER

Album comments








    I wish Tom Hardy would continue in the Wolverine cast as Logan.\nNice one though."




    2:28 What the hell is he saying ? I can't understand 😂"




    This is coming out, right?"




    I amid mammadov ask you to help me the deal is that the consul of Uzbekistan in Baku called Tashkent to ask for several times to give me help but they answered that I have no relationship to Uzbekistan though i have an Uzbek birth certificate in any place I go in Baku they say we cannot help I ask for help 17 years even unhcr red crescent red cross iom Baku said that they cannot help us my parents worked in Uzbekistan then they married and I was born in december 9, 1982. when I was a child they come in Baku and I was registered here until I was 15 years old when my mother sold our flat she got very little money from it and we couldn t buy a new one since 15 years old I suffer now I hawe a permanent residency but they say I must acguire citizenship of Uzbekistan people please help us my father died mother is I'll shei 55 she cries every day please help us to get job and home I am weak that s why I cannot work hard I cannot lose my mother some Russian and foreign people help us they trust us when we show them our documents we want to go back to Uzbekistan but we hava no money please call us we will explain you our situation we are dying please people i have registration Baku unhcr but i stateless person to me anything don t help at our place there are no clothes i and mother on the street to us don t give tent please save us god will help you email [email protected]"

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