Sacre Slappy




Domino, Loaf, Lucy, Sonny et Witz, cinq moutards de sept ans aussi futes qu'imaginatifs, s'ennuient a mourir pendant la session d'ete de la prestigieuse Academie Dartmoor. Apres l'operation fauteuil-fusee, le petit groupe est menace d'expulsion. Lors d'une visite a l'aquarium, les cinq aventuriers decouvrent Slappy, une otarie de cinquante kilos qui semble avoir perdu gout a la vie. Les cinq garnements decident que si un seul enfant a pu sauver Willy, cinq pourront sauver Slappy.

Sacre Slappy

Album comments




    Spiderman 3 ?"




    why are so many people mistaking Riot as Carnage or Anti- ???\n\nI'm not being sarcastic or insulting, it just doesn't make sense, to even know their names and that they are known enemies of 's, you would have had to at the very least seen pictures, not even read the comics, just seen a pic online or something, you know Carnage is mostly blood red and Anti- is mostly bright white, both are also VERY skinny which gets exaggerated even worse when they are in full form, they look anorexic and bulimic, where as the character people are commenting on, even if you have no idea who he is or even his name (Riot), it is mind boggling to see how a slate grey, Bruce Banner \"Hulk\" sized thing could be even assumed or mistaken....\n\nwell, I guess there is a resemblance, like Mariah Carey looks like Donald Trump ;)"




    Honestly I can hear fine. It's harder for me to understand Tom Hardy when he's speaking with that ridiculous accent."




    I believe when people are saying that the end cutscene is the end of the actual movie could be wrong. If we look at the first trailer, many parts of the same scenes are taken out and some are even added in the second trailer. We can all clearly believe that what we see on the trailer, 90% of it is actually gonna be filmed on deadline day. Can't wait!"




    WTF is toxin doing here?"

Album comments