La Ligue des Gentlemen Extraordinaires




L'aventurier Allan Quatermain dirige la Ligue des Gentlemen Extraordinaires, association de sept super-héros légendaires, comprenant le mystérieux Capitaine Nemo, la femme vampire Mina Harker, l'invisible Rodney Skinner, le jeune et intrépide agent secret américain Tom Sawyer, l'inaltérable Dorian Gray et l'inquiétant duo Jekyll / Hyde. Venus des horizons les plus divers, les membres de la Ligue sont de farouches individualistes, des exclus au passé ténébreux et agité, dont les facultés hors normes constituent à la fois un atout et une malédiction.

Réunis dans des circonstances exceptionnelles, ils doivent en peu de temps nouer des rapports de confiance, apprendre à fonctionner en équipe. Après avoir embarqué à bord du Nautilus, ils gagnent Venise, où leur adversaire, le diabolique Fantôme, se prépare à saboter une conférence réunissant les plus grands chefs d'Etat...

La Ligue des Gentlemen Extraordinaires

Album comments




    This looks like it's gonna be really good, but it's not gonna reach great status due to a generic villain"




    Awesome Trailer... Eagerly Waiting"




    My dream would be for and Spider-Man to be in a movie together where would be part of the mcu"




    I went from being kind of \"Meh\" after the first trailer, but not hating it (it's just a teaser), to being kind of excited after the second trailer. Now this new trailer feels just kind of stupid to me.\n\nI mean... I know has a sense of humor in the comics, but for some reason it's just not translating to the screen for me. We'll see.\n\nI mainly hate the fact that he doesn't have the spider logo. Yes, I know it doesn't make sense without the Spider-Man connection, but I don't care. His design just looks very generic without it and it makes the scene towards the end where he's battling Riot hard to follow. I had to watch it a second time to even realize that there were two symbiotes there. I fear that this will be like the Bay Transformers films in that the action will be muddled because it's too hard to differentiate the various characters. He needs his logo to pop on screen, IMO.\n\nOh, well... too late now, and it can't be worse than the version from Spider-Man 3."




    I hope join the avengers for fighting thanos"

Album comments