Pain, Amour et Jalousie




Natif de Sorrente, Antonio Carotenuto, le maréchal des logis, est muté à Sagliena, un petit village perdu dans les montagnes. Malgré les objections de ses supérieurs, il s’apprête à épouser Annarella, bien qu'il aime en secret la belle Maria. Cette dernière n'a d'yeux que pour Pietro Stelluti son futur époux. Mais le service militaire de ce dernier l'éloigne de sa dulcinée. Un soir, Carotenuto commet l'erreur de danser avec la fiancée esseulée. Des rumeurs se propagent dans le village, et, au retour de Pietro, celui-ci se voit obligé de rompre...

Pain, Amour et Jalousie

Album comments




    Voice of sounds like Optimus Prime..."




    Spiderman 3"




    Trailer (whole script)\n\nIntro\nAhhhhhhh. \n\nWe are \n\nTrailer starts\n\n* Eddy- “I’m Eddy Brock, I’m a reporter\nAnd I always seem to find myself questioning something the government may not be looking at, but I found something.... really bad”\n\n* Eddy- “And I have been...(-“Eddy”)- (Eddy-“Who said that?”)...... Taken.”\n\n* Antagonist- “Look around at the world- what do you see?”\n “A planet on the brink of collapse”\n\n* Antagonist- “Human beings are disposable..... by man and symbiote combined.”\n* \n Test subject- (“Ahhhhhhhhh”)\n\n* Antagonist- “This is the new the race, new species. The Higher life form.”\n\n* Eddy- “What do you want from me?” \n* - “You will find out”\n* \n* Eddy-“I’m so sorry”\n\n* Eddy- “We can not just hurt people.” \n* \n* -“Look into my eyes, Eddie. “The way I see it, we can do what we want. Do we have a deal?\n\n* to guy- “Eyes, lungs, pancreas. So many snack in so little time”\n\n* Eddy- “That power, is not completely awful”\n\n* Girl- “You have no idea how much you’re scaring me right now”\n\n* - “Eddy, cooperate, and you just might survive.\n* \n* Eddy to police force- “Guys,you do not want to do this, trust me.”\n* \n* Antagonist-“Giant leaps will always come at a cost”\n* \n* to grocery customer-“We will eat both of your arms and then both of your legs, and then we will eat your face right off your head. You will be this armless, legless, faceless thing, won’t you? Rolling down the street, like a turd in the wind”\n\n* Grocery customer to -“What the hell are you?”\n* and Eddie- “We are ”\n\nEddy-“Oh, I have a parasite. Yeah. Night, Mrs. Chen”\n* \nOutro"




    WE.......ARE !!!!!!"




    Looks like the black spiderman"

Album comments