Ecole paternelle 2




Après avoir connu un beau succès avec leur garderie, Charlie Hinton et Phil Ryerson emmènent cette fois leurs fils au grand air, pour un été en pleine nature au camp Driftwood, là où eux-mêmes allaient autrefois.

Mais sur place, le camp se révèle complètement en ruines. Pire, Charlie découvre que de l'autre côté du lac, son ennemi de toujours, Lance Warner, dirige une colonie pour enfants riches qui a conduit le camp Driftwood à la faillite.

Décidé à prendre sa revanche et à ressusciter le camp, Charlie rachète la colonie, mais se retrouve vite dépassé. Pour tenter de sauver la situation, il n'a plus d'autre choix que de faire appel à son père, le redoutable colonel Buck... Qui a dit que les vacances étaient faites pour se détendre ?

Ecole paternelle 2

Album comments




    is an entity that was born during the big bang explosion. He has lived on throughout the many years next to his pals that were born within the same area of the big bang. is the symbiote that was almost \"raised right\". Bonding with Peter Parker gave the ability necessary to be willing to sacrifice itself to help those in harm. Bonding with Eddie Brock gave the ability necessary to be willing to embrace itself and avenge those who are hurt around it. Bonding with Deadpool gave the will to shape who it is, fortunately, has Eddie and Parker to save itself from causing destruction to the world and whoever host it joins\n\n lived on a planet far away, but It was being destroyed by a different alien. and all the other symbiotes were sent through space inside a rock, each on their own. landed on the moon and the others were still floating in space while it was on the moon. I guess they were all destined to land on earth since each symbiote landed on earth at very close proximity to each other but different times"




    Who is the silver one !! At 2:17 Is he CARNAGE OR ANTI"








    The Hype is Real😁☺😃😱"




    Was that anti- at the end?"

Album comments