John Q




John Q. Archibald mène une vie paisible entouré de Denise, sa femme, et de Michael, son fils de neuf ans. Un jour, au cours d'une partie de base-ball à laquelle son père participe activement, Michael s'effondre suite à un malaise cardiaque. Il est transféré d'urgence à l'hôpital où on lui diagnostique une malformation congénitale. Si on ne lui donne pas rapidement un nouveau coeur, il décédera. En devenant ouvrier à temps partiel, John a perdu une partie de sa couverture médicale. Résultat : l'assurance ne couvrira pas les frais de la transplantation cardiaque. La directrice de l'hôpital, Rebecca Payne, consciente des difficultés financières que rencontre cette famille, ne peut leur offrir gratuitement une telle opération. Désespéré, John Q. entre armé dans l'établissement et prend en otage le personnel des urgences, et ce jusqu'à ce que les médecins décident d'opérer son enfant.

John Q

Album comments




    This is less more prototype"




    COMMENT FROM A HIGH ALIEN AHEAD**\nHey earthlings 👽 I have come across ur planet and I've noticed some problems.. but I NEED ur help to fix them ♥️🙏. Depression and anxiety is such of huge problem that this generation faces. An I know that music can really change how a person that's down feels. Even when im sad, a good song will change my whole mood. An my whole life I wanted to make music. But when I was younger I thought I wasn't good enough, or that I'll never be able to get the equipment. But one day I decided to just do it. I make EDM music with a twist. I want it to sound like the trippiest/best evening of ur life, or the coolest night drive of all time, I really think I can get somewhere with this.. and ONLY with ur help I can get there. I have some different sounding music that I'm trying to get out to the world, I wanna make music that isn't just music, I wanna make music that creates time markers in people's lifes. Pretty much just positive energy, this is NOT about me at all. this is about easing you're soul (Sorry for bad English I had to learn this language quickly ) sending blessings to YOU 🙏"




    Slowly getting better.."




    Who was fighting towards the end of the trailer?"





Album comments