Drôle de Félix




Pour faire la rencontre de son père qu'il ne connaît pas, un jeune Dieppois se rend à Marseille. Il choisit l'auto-stop comme moyen de transport et n'hésite pas à emprunter des chemins de traverse. Parti pour faire la connaissance de son père réel, c'est en fait une famille idéale que Félix se construit tout au long de son trajet : un petit frère, une grand-mère, un cousin, une soeur...

Drôle de Félix

Album comments




    Pointless ..."




    Ok.....Im getting tiggles"




    So for those who are curious about what says (arguably the best cinematic interpretation of to date from his build right down to his voice, albeit hard to understand a bit), I scrolled through the comments to save anyone the trouble as well as who the camio'd symbiotes might be. I tried to provide credit to those who stated them first if possible so I don't look like some comment/\"derp give me a like\" hog. I am super pumped for this movie as I absolutely loved Spiderman growing up and was my all time favorite anti-hero. Here is a list I made with time in clip for convenience:\n\n0:17 Scream and Mayhem symbiotes (Pointed out by @RC-7593) [Scream = Yellow / Mayhem = Blue]\n1:33 ”Eyes, lungs, pancreas, so many snacks so little time” (Quote courtesy of @J C-EXOmunchkin, among others)\n2:18 vs Riot Symbiote (Can't possibly be Anti- as this is origin story of and I doubt even Sony would be dumb enough to put Anti- in first movie. Logical conclusion based on color is that it is Riot, especially since BECOMES Anti-. Also can't be Carnage because he is red, not grey.)\n2:28 \"We will eat both your arms and then both of your legs. And then we will eat your face....right off your head! You will be this....armless, legless, faceless thing won't you? Rolling down the street....like a turd....in the wind. \" (Quote courtesy of @Asteroid Arts)\n\nOverall, I am rather excited now more than ever for this. I predict that Carnage may not be in this, but rather will be a teaser at the end hinting for a sequel. Carnage is a rather unique symbiote and I feel he would be deserving of a film as a dedicated villain and not some cameo. But I like how the blue and yellow symbiotes were cameo'd hinting at possible involvement in current or future films. Yes, the CGI is obvious, but two words guys. Justice League. There are WAY WORSE CGI in high budget and low budget films. I think it looks promising all things considered. And to be frank, I'll take this no matter how it turns out over the one in the Spiderman Trilogy any day."




    We are\n.\n.\n.\nGroot"




    Watched this about 100 times already!! 5 outta 5 🖤"

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