Ce soir je vais tuer l'assassin de mon fils




Un soir, sur la route d'Honfleur, après sa journée de travail, Philippe Tessier, père de deux fillettes, renverse accidentellement un garçon à vélo, Victor Harfouche, 10 ans. Affolé, redoutant les conséquences, il abandonne l'enfant inanimé sur le bord de la route. Sans secours, Victor meurt des suites de ses blessures. Dès lors, Philippe Tessier devient un assassin. En apprenant la nouvelle, Antoine Harfouche, le père de l'enfant, veut à tout prix retrouver l'assassin de son fils. Le hasard fait que les deux hommes travaillent dans la zone portuaire  du Havre. Un jeu ambigu va les amener à se rapprocher l'un de l'autre et un début d'amitié va même naître entre eux. Mais Christine Tessier, la femme de  Philippe, n'acceptant pas la lâcheté de son mari, va précipiter sa chute.

Ce soir je vais tuer l'assassin de mon fils

Album comments




    Lol they said at comic Con they want his character to be just like the comics (eating people, brains, etc) but he is NOTHING like the comics. He originally attached on as Black-Spiderman then after that he went to Eddie Brock and had Webs (his good stuff) wall crawling, and WHITE SPIDER. Spiderman is so crucial to his core character I'm scared they will ruin him."




    Each new trailer kinda seems like a progress report on the movie. The teaser showed absolutely nothing. The first trailer showed one shot and weird looking cgi for its tendrils. This showed more shots, the voice is altered a bit, and the action seems done."








    I loved the Andrew Garfield Spider Man honestly but since his run is over I kind of am hoping TASM will make an appearance and sort of die quickly by in this movie to put the Mark Webb TASM films to an end just so I can have them put to rest in my mind in a way so to speak."




    This trailer made me loose a lot of hope in the movie...this cgi is god aweful and the trailer spoiled most of the plot. Really dissapointed because the first trailer seemed really interesting"

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