The Fall Guy




C'est l’histoire d’un cascadeur, et comme tous les cascadeurs, il se fait tirer dessus, exploser, écraser, jeter par les fenêtres et tombe toujours de plus en plus haut… pour le plus grand plaisir du public. Après un accident qui a failli mettre fin à sa carrière, ce héros anonyme du cinéma va devoir retrouver une star portée disparue, déjouer un complot et tenter de reconquérir la femme de sa vie tout en bravant la mort tous les jours sur les plateaux. Que pourrait-il lui arriver de pire ?

The Fall Guy

Album comments




    Didn't like the voice. The plot is quite telling. Main Character gets pulled somehow gets the thingy he becoems bad but there is a villian and its not him. So he fights the villian he almost dies and then well he makes it trough. 2nd movie same concept. The 3 minutes i saw good Tom Hardy voice, his acting is fair but I'd like him to be more serious in physiological ways. As for the other characters some seem a bit fake like, i could see it on their eyes as if thi they were looking at green screen. I could see some of them were concentrated but not enough to see real. Im not asking for perfection but righteousness. seemed a bit off balanced in some areas it coulddl of been improved more. The voice could of been inproved to a one a bit more deepish. It could of been improved on his character moreas of a way of moving/etc... Example it shoudl of been more dangerous looking. He looks dangerous but from what i saw i think it needs a bit more dangerous serious upon it. The plot once again a bit knowing. I dont know how the movie will really but i hope its better than what i am thinking of it now. Seeing what i saw i give it a 7 out of 10. A 10 would if been what i think would of been great if some areas were improved.Good luck . For most they will like you but for those of us who details is everything we will see."




    This is going to be the best 2018 film other than infinity war"








    I predict this will be the same marvel movie again"




    Does this have spiderman?"

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