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Tobin Frost est le traître le plus haï et le plus redouté de la CIA. Après avoir échappé au contre-espionnage pendant près de dix ans, il refait surface en Afrique du Sud. Lorsque sa cachette d’un faubourg du Cap est attaquée par un mystérieux commando, un jeune "bleu", Matt Weston, est obligé d’assurer seul sa fuite et de le conduire dans une nouvelle résidence sécurisée. "Ange gardien" malgré lui, Matt voit dans cette mission une chance inespérée de faire ses preuves aux yeux de l’Agence. Une relation précaire s’établit entre le débutant et le renégat endurci. Mais Frost, manipulateur né, réserve quelques surprises à son candide protecteur…

Sécurité rapprochée

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    Part of me hopes that won't be just another \"Anti-Hero\" superhero movie, like Ghost Rider, The Punisher or Deadpool, and to a certain extent Wolverine and Blade. \n\nBut with , they seem to be turning him into your classic marvel anti-hero, , despite the tag line \"There are enough Superheroes\" tagline featured in this trailer. \n\n\nAll complete with, That girl he likes, The fact he doesn't want to \"Ever\" hurt anyone and even takes time to warn the people pointing guns at him and/or assaulting him, You know, a general nice guy.\n\nAnd who can forget about all that \"emotional turmoil\" he seems to suffer from, including how he's got to do better for that girl he likes, etc.\n\nThe main issue is that the studios want us to sympathize with him, especially if he's severing body parts, But Eddie Brock is a loner, and that girl of his just \"has to\" be his divorced wife, who eventually turns into She- at some point in this film, Otherwise she'll just be used as the overused plot device that serves only in getting in front of the main villain. \n\nAt some point in these super-hero movies the main love-interest needs to be introduced in the sequel, and not the first film, because the first film is always the origin point and more time needs to be spent on that and not \"Puppy-Dog Eyes\" romance, which leads to a rushed ending."




    T U R D I N T H E W I N D"




    is it me or I just replay how hear that line \"we are \" the pronunciation alone is EVERYTHING"




    I'm mmmmmmm"




    One of my favorite actors playing one of my favorite characters. While I wish this was connected to the MCU, I'm still pumped"

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