Larry Flynt




De son enfance misérable dans le Kentucky, Larry a gagné l’art de la débrouille, le goût d’entreprendre et l’irrépressible désir d’améliorer sa condition. Propriétaire d’un bar à stripteaseuses, il flaire le bon coup et lance en 1974 Hustler, une publication licencieuse qui fait bientôt de l’ombre à Playboy, en ne reculant jamais devant le scandale et l’obscénité. Mais un succès aussi sulfureux ne pouvait qu’attirer les foudres des dévots : l’Amérique puritaine fera tout pour mettre Larry au pilori...

Larry Flynt

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    I dont understand why separate from Spiderman. In the animated series, is what made the Spiderman interesting, because in essence is that dark part of the Spiderman and he had to fight against it to not be dominated by . Showing a that is simply pure evil for no reason breaks with the character and leaves him without a very important part. It was not only the evil, but to see how the spiderman became popular almost to the point of being idolized just when he was carried away by but when not, he simply went unnoticed and was despised by the newspaper for which he works. I dont know. He looks cool but I don't see a future because he doesn't see that need to fight against himself to maintain the essence that led him in principle to become a Spiderman. I don't understand what marvel is doing; they wanted to give a more important role to spidemarn with the Avengers. Well, represented a great plot together with Spiderman, but but it seems they would have said: << how do we make Spiderman more simple? I know, let's say that Spiderman and are different characters, let's remove what makes Spiderman interesting and make an autonomous character even if it seems silly. It is better to avoid showing the struggle to do good or evil; maybe they think that does not happen. >>. Tremendous nonsense they have done."




    darkest movie in the marvel universe 😭"




    What is he saying at 1:34?"




    Check this out: emoji)) \n[?{В)"




    This doesn't look funny\nStop"

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