L'Incroyable Hulk




Le scientifique Bruce Banner cherche désespérément un antidote aux radiations gamma qui ont créé Hulk. Il vit dans l'ombre, toujours amoureux de la belle Betty Ross et parcourt la planète à la recherche d'un remède.

La force destructrice de Hulk attire le Général Thunderbolt Ross et son bras droit Blonsky qui rêvent de l'utiliser à des fins militaires. Ils tentent de développer un sérum pour créer des soldats surpuissants.

De retour aux Etats-Unis, Bruce Banner se découvre un nouvel ennemi. Après avoir essayé le sérum expérimental, Blonsky est devenu L'Abomination, un monstre incontrôlable dont la force pure est même supérieure à celle de Hulk. Devenu fou, il s'est transformé en plein coeur de New York.

Pour sauver la ville de la destruction totale, Bruce Banner va devoir faire appel au monstre qui sommeille en lui...

L'Incroyable Hulk

Album comments




    3 trailers in 5 months..."




    0:17.....you saw that ....that was Scream.....!!!!"




    For people who don't really understand the whole non Spider-Man thing.\n\n1. Sony went to marvel for help on the property(s) of Spider-Man. Which is why it says \"in association with marvel\"\n\n2. Sony wanted to make its own universe with a spiderman villains not being used by the mcu\n\n3. Tom holland is too young to fight .\n\n4. If this movie is a success there will be a Spider-Man vs in the future when this mcu Spider-Man matures. \n\n5. Money will play a big role in whether or not we see this happen so if it's good go out and support \n\nEdit: yes sony still owns spiderman but the relationship seems to be going well. \n\nThe contact is complicated but essentially marvel helps sony make solo Spider-Man movies which includes adding Avengers if the script requires it(iron man). And marvel gets to use Spider-Man in big avenger scale movies.\n\nThis movie is Sony trying to make more money on the side of the deal. Think about it, if marvel sees that this crushes the box office they will not hesitate to strike a deal to create a Spiderman vs .\n\nAlso them being able to fight each other will make sense as tom(peter) grows older into a man body in combination with experience with fighting. Remember for now he is a sophomore/ junior in high school. There are still more stories to tell since he is so young."




    vs Gaara"




    I came here for a proper shootout, aaight? A SHOOTOUT AAIGHT? IS A F*CKIN SHHOOUT. like a western"

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