Je suis une légende




Robert Neville était un savant de haut niveau et de réputation mondiale, mais il en aurait fallu plus pour stopper les ravages de cet incurable et terrifiant virus d'origine humaine. Mystérieusement immunisé contre le mal, Neville est aujourd'hui le dernier homme à hanter les ruines de New York. Peut-être le dernier homme sur Terre... Depuis trois ans, il diffuse chaque jour des messages radio dans le fol espoir de trouver d'autres survivants. Nul n'a encore répondu.

Mais Neville n'est pas seul. Des mutants, victimes de cette peste moderne - on les appelle les "Infectés" - rôdent dans les ténèbres... observent ses moindres gestes, guettent sa première erreur. Devenu l'ultime espoir de l'humanité, Neville se consacre tout entier à sa mission : venir à bout du virus, en annuler les terribles effets en se servant de son propre sang.

Ses innombrables ennemis lui en laisseront-ils le temps ? Le compte à rebours touche à sa fin...

Je suis une légende

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    No lo sé Rick !!!parece súper gay!"




    Hey I'm trying to create two new Marvel heroes. They are the children of Erik Brooks aka Blade and Lilith, the daughter of Dracula. Blade was put under an enchantment to fall for Lilith and impregnate her to produce an heir to the throne of the vampire kingdom. Time passed and Lilith produced an older baby girl named Sinclair and a younger baby boy named Eryn. Dracula noticed when they were born that they emitted a strange energy. It turns out that they are the embodiment of the zodiac, Gemini the twins, and when they are together they become stronger. Then Dracula thought that if he could control the zodiac that he could become powerful enough to enslave the human race finally. But Doctor Strange also felt the twins strong magic power and broke Lilith's enchantment on Blade and they escaped Transylvania and fled with the Doctor.\n\nSo how is that? Later maybe during puberty they find out they're mutants. The x gene reacted with they're vampire powers and merged. Due to the genetic makeup of the vampiric bloodstream Eryn can control and weaponize his blood to make bladed weapons and become very dense. Sinclair's power is to changed into a humanoid bat. She can grow claws, talons, wings either on her back or arms, and because of bat's echolocation she can sense vibrations and detect everything around her.\n\nSo what do you guys think. I'm open the comments and criticism. The also needs codenames and who should train them. 🤙🏽"




    We are !!!!"







    Reply cl;ick"

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