Pauvres Créatures




Bella est une jeune femme ramenée à la vie par le brillant et peu orthodoxe Dr Godwin Baxter. Sous sa protection, elle a soif d’apprendre. Avide de découvrir le monde dont elle ignore tout, elle s'enfuit avec Duncan Wedderburn, un avocat habile et débauché, et embarque pour une odyssée étourdissante à travers les continents. Imperméable aux préjugés de son époque, Bella est résolue à ne rien céder sur les principes d’égalité et de libération.

Pauvres Créatures

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    We are "




    Get this man a symbiote"




    .that should increase the votes on our favor :P \"WE R Q\" gtfooh ....\"WE R MOTHERFUCKERS ^_-\" ....eeryone knows that when you lower a rating you lower creativity lol ....especially when it comes to material that you know its supposed to be inteded for more adult audiences...can you imagine if they made logan with a PG 13 rating? lmao hahahahahahaha it would have made half of what it made in its original R rating release and even that was censored until the unrated version with even more gore came out on home release later....blade trilogy, logan and other comic book films do better when u up the rating cause uwont limit its creativity ...i mean PG13 hasnt stopped films from making over a billion in box office revenue but idk makes sense to go for the more audience approach but you're limiting the creativity ...i think at least 3 symbiotes which includes will be on this film...fingers crossed ^_ we need at least a hint of CARNAGE"




    MOTHERFUCKER! ^ ^ now that's how you make a proper film bitches ! ...they might risk box office gains but i think they should make it R but since at the same time it gives them more freedom to make it more adult n gorier it will limit the people who want to see it and usually film makers prefer more people to see it than having more creativefreedom to make the material more to the original prob the theatrical release will be censored pg 13 and they might release an unrated version for the home release ...nonetheless this looks awesome..there's not many r rated comic book films...usually upping the rating gives the creators more freedom to make the movie the expense of less people watching it in the theater at fist...either way im def watching this movie.. looks fucking awesome.....ofcourse it has to be CGI'ed lol....its impossible to make msot of these comic book movies nowadays without CGI...and CGI gets more realistic as the technology evolves anyway....i want to see go up against spider man ^_- ..if only democrats had its own batshit crazy conspiracy theories like the nazi party does but better and less stupid....\"retardicans: WE R Q\" ...\"oh you're queer...congratulations you came out the closet\" ....democrats should just have \"WE ARE \" a our conspiracy theory with a bunch of people wearing black outfits with logos ^_-...we need at least a hint of CARNAGE"




    \"Night Mrs Chen\""

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