Mission: Impossible III




Ethan espérait avoir tourné une page en quittant le service actif de la Force Mission Impossible pour un poste de formateur ; pouvoir enfin mener une vie "normale", se consacrer tout entier à sa ravissante épouse, Julia...

Mais lorsque Lindsey, la plus brillante recrue de l'IMF "tombe" à Berlin, Ethan se sent moralement obligé de lui porter secours. Assisté de ses fidèles coéquipiers Luther, Zhen et Declan, il infiltre le repaire du trafiquant Owen Davian et arrache la jeune femme des mains d'une quinzaine de ses sbires. Trop tard : quelques instants plus tard, une mini-capsule de magnésium explose dans la tête de Lindsey, la tuant sur le coup. Davian avait tout prévu...

Pour Ethan, c'est bien plus qu'un ratage - c'est une faillite personnelle dont il lui faut au plus vite se racheter...

Mission: Impossible III

Album comments




    that's the only way the human race is going to improve/evolve from now on and that is through genetic manipulation, bioengineering and perhaps some robotics. but untapping/unlocking the genius is the only way to improve society as a whole either through dna or finding some way to manipulate the brain. that is the next frontier that will catapult humanity onto the next level. mark my words: films like limitless will be prophetic for the future or else we are doomed to stagnation. only a few geniuses have the ability to even conceive of realistically traversing beyond this planet which is most likely going to be necessary in the near future and society as a whole is wholly unfit for it intellectually or in character and ability. we need a better, more evolved species for that to be successful."




    Its awesome that we can see in a movie but what's more awesome is they can include spiderman in the movie like only in the end-credit where they will show that in the next movie (I hope there's another) that spiderman and fights.\nMaybe at the next spiderman movie."




    where’s spiderman"




    I love 💚💜"




    He was bane right?"

Album comments