



L'histoire de Paul Atreides, jeune homme aussi doué que brillant, voué à connaître un destin hors du commun qui le dépasse totalement. Car s'il veut préserver l'avenir de sa famille et de son peuple, il devra se rendre sur la planète la plus dangereuse de l'univers – la seule à même de fournir la ressource la plus précieuse au monde, capable de décupler la puissance de l'humanité. Tandis que des forces maléfiques se disputent le contrôle de cette planète, seuls ceux qui parviennent à dominer leur peur pourront survivre…


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    What he says to the guy at the end... WOW. You totally understand what it is to be a really sick mother. This trailer just won me over.\n\nTom Hardy is an incredible actor, definitely top tier in terms of range and just plain believability, and I didn't think he would sign on to do a movie like this unless he read the script and thought it was good, but the first trailer did not look good to me at all. I saw some staggering statistic that it had become one of the most watched videos in YouTube history and like a lot of people I had no idea why something mediocre at best was getting so much attention. It made me think about the concept of hype in general and I figured it was shaping up to be a major letdown. \nAnother concern for me was my faith in director Ruben Fleischer. His biggest job was directing Zombieland and other than Gangster Squad, it's the only major motion picture he's done in the last 10 years. I got taken to see Zombieland in the theaters by two of my closest friends and they had a good time but I thought a lot of the movie was cliched, unoriginal, and I thought the director did a poor job of getting the best performances possible out of his actors. Woody Harrelson is capable of so much more than what was captured on film in that flick and as of seeing Zombieland I now, and will always, think that Jesse Eisenberg is just plain gawd awful (not for this movie but if I'm casting a Jesse I'll take Jesse Plemons every single time). When I saw that he was miscast as Lex Luthor for Batman vs Superman, as if Ben Affleck wasn't enough of a deterrent, I made the decision right then and there to skip seeing it and I have no regrets still having not seen it. From what I've heard, I'm better off.\nSo lousy looking first trailer and a director that I do not believe in got things off to a bad start.\nThis trailer fixed a lot of that. Might not be there opening night but I'm definitely not waiting for Netflix or BluRay to see this one. Trailer 2 was amazing. I'm now officially excited. Good work!!\n\nOH and I'm interested to see what role Woody Harrelson plays. We don't know yet. \n\nIs it possible? Could it be that..... Does he share a same first name with someone you might know from Springfield? You know the one I mean, the slack-jawed yokel? He's got an almost triple digit number of kids, with a wife who looks a little too much like he looks? Could Woody Harrelson's character's first name be the same as that guy's name? Would be neat."




    Prototype the move ?"




    You know what, i take my original comment back. I might be able to look passed the fact that Sony is making this one."




    I hope to god they have carnage in this movie"




    Why do you keep coming up with stuff thats completely off from the original .. like stark being spider mans teacher and all that bollocks .. the movie seems to be pretty awesome but would get a lot more points if it was anything like that original and Carnage story .."

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