Emmanuelle est en quête d’un plaisir perdu. Elle s’envole seule à Hong Kong, pour un voyage professionnel. Dans cette ville-monde sensuelle, elle multiplie les expériences et fait la rencontre de Kei, un homme qui ne cesse de lui échapper.
This would look exciting to somebody who didn't know who was. Why do film adaptations always have to insult fans by completely ignoring the original source material? You're going to draw people in with the great effects, but you're going to lose all the comic book readers. Stay true to the source material!"
Album comments
Reply\"my name is eddie brock and i am a reporter\" this was like spider's opening lol is the new spiderman"
ReplyWhere does stuff go, after eats it? Obviously not inside of Eddie."
Reply2:01 \"You won't like me when I'm angry.\""
ReplyTom Hardy - Fine Af .def. Will be seeing."
ReplyThis would look exciting to somebody who didn't know who was. Why do film adaptations always have to insult fans by completely ignoring the original source material? You're going to draw people in with the great effects, but you're going to lose all the comic book readers. Stay true to the source material!"